Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Cross of Constantine

As I trod the long and ancient Roman Road (Via Trajana) after leaving Carrion de los Condes I reflected on the long-vanished legions that had also travelled here before me.

In the deep blue sky of that crisp early morning, the slanting sun illuminated a perfect christian cross formed by two vapour trails from jets passing far overhead (see pic in my Gallery).

While he was praying for divine help before the important battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine also saw a cross of light in the sky, with the inscription “in hoc signo vinces” (“in this sign you shall conquer”).

He decreed that the cross would be the symbol that represented his army in battle. He won the battle of the Milvian Bridge and converted to Christianity, paving the way for Christianity to replace the old Roman gods throughout the Roman Empire.

Symbols can have important meanings and consequences, not only for long-dead Emperors, but for all of us. Look for the symbols that resonate with you as you tread your own Camino

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